IonCube PHP Encoder is your best choice for protecting your PHP code from being stolen. It's compatible with both PHP4 and PHP5. The software is based on bytecode encoding. Your scripts will require run-time modules to be installed on the web server in order to decrypt your script into machine language and render the result of execution readable as usual to the end user different from other encoding system that convert your scripts to the original code during execution. The encoded scripts will work faster than files encoded with Zend encoder (the most famous PHP encoder solution). Its sophisticated licensing system enables you to limit your scripts to run only on specific IP addresses , server names or MAC addresses and you can specify a certain date for the script to expire at. Error message that appear in expired version or illegal copies are fully customizable. An interesting feature is that you can integrate your web applications to the ionCube Package Foundry to make Microsoft Windows and Linux installers that can auto-install runtime requirements and deploy your whole script. Additional protection methods are incorporated to make it impossible to decode your scripts by means of Obfuscation after bytecode encoding furthermore, you can encrypt your XML and smarty template codes to protect your design as well.